Bowral Street Dental Practice
Dental Veneers
To Improve Your Dental Health And Restore That Sparkling Smile
Gentle, Experienced Dental Treatment In A Calm, Stress Free Environment At Bowral
Veneers are thin layers of porcelain or resin composite material than bonded to teeth to either to improve the aesthetics of the tooth or to protect its surface from damage.
Common uses for veneers include for teeth that are:
- Discolored as a result of root canal treatment; stains from various drugs, excessive fluoride or other causes. They can also be used when large resin fillings have discolored the tooth.
- Worn down and have lost their strength.
- Chipped or broken.
- Irregular in shape (for example, have craters or bulges in them).
- Uneven with gaps between them.
There are two types of veneers
resin composite and porcelain
Composite Veneers are more economical and quicker to apply
Procelain Veneers are more durable and resistant to stains or cracking
Every patient’s needs are different and we will examine your teeth and discuss the best options for you to improve your smile and protect your teeth.